A new app for finding high quality, locally produced food

Because food comes from farms, not factories


Shire is an app on a mission to make food healthy for people and the environment.


When it comes to health, quality matters. In a world full of cost-cutting, chemical laden, nutrient void, factory-based nonsense, it can be quite a challenge to find healthy food.

We’re working on an app that will make it easier to find food that supports the people who eat and produce it and the land that makes it.

Our Values

  • Environment

    The health of the people and the earth is connected. When one suffers, they both do. Good farmers and food producers are simultaneously stewards of the land, who preserve and enhance this most valuable of resources for future generations.

    The earth supports us with nourishment; so too must we support it.

  • Health

    You are what you eat.

    While the best diet for everyone might be different, good food shares a few necessary features: artificial chemical free, grown and produced with natural and traditional methods that respect the evolved biology of humans.

  • Community

    Healthy communities require healthy people. By prioritizing locally produced food, we are able to reduce the middlemen. This of course implies a more resource-friendly supply chain, but it also means that money stays and circulates within communities, instead of lining the coffers of faceless corporations— this is one of the best ways to fight income inequality, while also supporting your friends and neighbors.

    people gardening on farm

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Methods we care about


Grass fed

Cows eat grass. Just like humans need to eat a diet appropriate to our evolved biology, so do our livestock.

2/3 of the earth’s farmland is marginal grassland, and the only animals that can digest and convert it into nutritious food are cows, sheep, goats, etc.

Happily, such animals have been grazing and maintaining such land for tens of thousands of years. Talk about putting our resources to good use.


Seed-oil free

Humans are not meant to digest the toxic industrial sludge known as seed oils or vegetable oils. Such oils were only ever used in an industrial capacity up until the early 20th century, coincidentally right around the time when modern chronic health epidemics became prevalent.

Despite this, seed oils continue to find their way into most packaged and restaurant food. Finding seed-oil free food is quite a trick, and Shire is here to help.

Regenerative Agriculture

Food production is does not have to be a zero-sum game: we can produce food from the land while improving the health of the soil and ecology.

Regenerative farmers understand exactly how to do that, and this is the highest standard of food quality from both a health and environmental perspective.



Despite its limitations, the USDA organic certification provides vastly superior food both for health and environment.

Without many of the most common petroleum-based and toxic pesticides and fertilizers, organic food is less toxic and more nutrient-dense than “conventional” produce.

…and that’s just the start.

Welcome to Shire.

Sign up for our mailing list to be among the first people notified about our upcoming launch.

By joining our community, you’ll stake your place in building the food system of the future.


Our Roadmap

Shire is a work in progress, but we’re advancing rapidly. This is where we plan on going:

Q4 ‘21

Launch the landing page, create logo and branding, and release first version of the web application.


Q1 ‘22

Expand Shire Ambassadors program to add 1000s of high quality farms, restaurants, and farmers markets to the database while growing userbase.


Q2 ‘22

Launch the iOS app, and formalize the community engagement process.


Q3 ‘22

Big, secret plans here ;)

Want to help out? Join our

Ambassador Program